Practice History
The Newbury Street Practice had its beginnings in 1847 with James Staley, listed as Surgeon, Newbury Street. The Practice then used Beckett House and then Brecon House prior to moving to the Health Centre built in 1975 and attached to the rear of Wantage Hospital.
The move to Mably Way took place in June 2003, the Practice having significantly outgrown the premises in Garston Lane.
In the early years most of the Doctors were men. In 1983 there were five male Doctors in the Practice and now there are two male Doctors and seven female Doctors.
The new Health Centre has eight consulting rooms, three practice nurse rooms and a minor surgery room. There are three Health Care Assistants (blood ladies) who take blood samples for tests. Attached to the Practice there are also two Health Visitors, several Community Nurses, two Midwives and 3 Counsellors. As well as the clinical staff there are a number of administrative staff.

Non-urgent advice: We are a Training/Teaching Practice
Postgraduate GP Training
The practice is approved to train fully qualified doctors who wish to specialise in general practice.
The GP specialist trainee/ GP registrar will have had 2 – 4 years’ experience as a qualified hospital doctor working in various specialities. They consult patients on their own, under the supervision of the rest of the GP team who are always available if the GP trainee needs their assistance or advice.
Occasionally medical records are inspected for the purpose of educational supervisor selection and accreditation and quality assurance activities.
We are a well-regarded training practice with Dr Patricia Heavens as the approved GP trainer.
Second Year Foundation Doctors (FY2)
These qualified doctors are gaining experience of the conditions we treat and the skills of a GP by spending a few months with a local practice. They consult patients on their own, under the supervision of our doctors, who are always available if needed.
Undergraduate Medical Student Teaching
We occasionally have medical students from the University of Oxford attached to the practice. You will be informed if your doctor or nurse has anyone sitting-in with them to observe the consultation. If you would prefer to see your doctor or nurse alone, please tell the receptionist.